News: Captain Planet album no.2
16.06.2009, 20:33
Captain Planet are on their way releasing album no. 2 and published a statement to all you fans - in german.

More infos on Captain Planet.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Kinder!
Es scheint still geworden zu sein um die Kapitäne. Ruhige See. Flaute. Unsichtbar für die Augen der Öffentlichkeit und der staatlichen Kontrollorgane tut sich jedoch so einiges! An dieser Stelle soll die planetarische Subversion daher in angemessener Kürze vorgetragen werden:
Wir waren im Studio und haben 11 neue Songs auf Band gebracht. Alles Hits versteht sich. Sie heißen unter anderem Hans Dampf und Rambo und klingen vorzüglich dank unserem Lieblingsmischer Hauke ( ), der neben seinem Musikverstand insbesondere für seine Frustrationstoleranz gegenüber völlig überambitionierten Rockmusikern berühmt ist.
Das Tonmaterial wird sich in den nächsten Monaten auf Plastik und Vinyl verewigen, spätestens April 2015 beim Label unseres Vertrauens Unterm Durchschnitt Schallplatten erscheinen und via Broken Silence in alle miesen Konsumtempel dieses belanglosen Landes transportiert werden.
Passend dazu wird es uns dann auch wieder im echt zu sehen geben in den Musiklokalen maßlos unterschätzter Kleinstädte.
Neben Bühnenoutfis in hautengem Latex und rockstarmäßiger Choreographie werden diese Konzerte vor allem durch den grandiosen Schlagzeugsound überzeugen, welcher dem handgearbeiteten neuen Set von Badda in der Farbe Silver Sparkle geschuldet ist. Unser aller Dank gilt der symphatischen kleinen Hamburger Höllenschmiede Tempest Drums (
Bleibt eigentlich nur noch zu klären was wir eigentlich machen, wenn wir euch gerade nicht das Geld aus der Tasche ziehen wollen mit BWL-Oberseminargleichen Verkaufsmanövern? Hier die Antwort: die eine Hälfte von uns hat die Pause bis zur Platte genutzt um Nachwuchs für den Widerstand in diesem Land auf die Welt zu bringen. Großen Respekt an Arne und Badda. Marco findet an der Fortpflanzung höchstens den Akt des Zeugens interessant und ruft lieber wahnwitzige Projekte ins Leben an denen auch ihr Verlierer teilnehmen solltet, insbesondere wenn ihr der Photographie verfallen seid: Benni macht auch irgendwas Belangloses. Natürlich mit ganzem Herzen.
Ach ja, wem das noch nicht zu viel zu lesen war, sollte sich unser Interview in neuen Trust-Magazin zu Gemüte führen oder vielleicht einfach mal auf ein Sachbuch zurückgreifen. Meiner Meinung nach macht man das viel zu selten.
Wir sehen uns im Spätherbst, wenn die ersten Winterdepressionen sich anschleichen und mieser EmoPunk wieder seine Daseinsberechtigung erhält.
Love Love Kiss Kiss
Die Kapitän
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24.03.2015: Wasser Kommt Wasser Geht wird nicht veröffentlicht
(Captain Planet) –
Auf den ■ übermittelten Wunsch von der Band Captain Planet hin wird die Schallplatte "Wasser Kommt Wasser Geht" nicht wie geplant am 18. April zum Record Store Day 2015 erscheinen. Wie sehr ich dies bedauere können sich alle vorstellen. Andreas Wildner03.02.2012: Label-Abschied am 25.: Very Last Show of Mallorys Last Dance
(Unterm Durchschnitt, Adolar, Adorno, Black Box Pilot, Captain Planet, Clara Luzia, I Had Plans, Iskra, Jet Black, Katzenstreik) –
Mallorys Last Dance werden am 25.2. auf unserer Abschiedsparty noch einmal - nach 2006 - gemeinsam auftreten und das letzte Mal spielen: The very last show!» Details31.12.2011: Bekanntgabe: Das Ende von unterm durchschnitt - Küsse sterben auf Lippen
(Unterm Durchschnitt, Adolar, Adorno, Black Box Pilot, Captain Planet, Clara Luzia, I Had Plans, Iskra, Jet Black, Katzenstreik) –
Read my statement (in german language only!) on decision to end the label. There won´t be any new releases from 2012 on.» Details28.05.2011: Stuttgart21 & Der Rückbau
(Captain Planet) –
Found a diy clip on Stuttgart21 with Captain Planet´s "Der Rückbau", find the youtube link below.» Details18.05.2011: Captain Planet Breaking News
(Captain Planet) –
You might allready know this through social networks. Captain Planet droped a few lines on their upcoming show in Braunschweig. Seems they will play a couple of new songs there. By the way - we won´t release the next Captain Planet album on unterm durchschnitt.» Details30.04.2011: Green Hell Summer-Special: Low budget, fat records
(Unterm Durchschnitt, Adolar, Adorno, Captain Planet, Iskra, Jet Black, Katzenstreik, Mikrokosmos23, Peters., Syn*Error) –
Please check out Green Hell Mailorder´s latest offer on several of our releases. Pay 19,99 and get 3 albums or 2 albums and 3 7"s. Link below.» Details16.02.2011: Festivalize
(Adolar, Captain Planet, Mikrokosmos23, The Town Of Machine) –
It´s an extreme good start for us and our band´s appearing on several festivals.» Details10.10.2010: Colgone show of Captain Planet allready sold out!
(Captain Planet, Adolar) –
The Captain Planet concert in Cologne, Aetherblissment on December 4th 2010 is allready sold out! There won´t be any tickets for sale when doors open! Adolar play with The Town Machine on December 3rd. Tickets are still available!» Details28.09.2010: Several concert documentaries
(Adolar, Captain Planet, Mikrokosmos23) –
In the last 3 weeks Captain Planet, Adolar and Mikrokosmos23 were still busy delivering the new party programme to you. (Report in german)» Details18.09.2010: Byte FM Breakfast at Sunday, 10 a.m.
(Captain Planet) –
Captain Planet will breakfast at studios in hamburg on sunday at 10 a.m.» Details22.08.2010: Schäfchen Zählen
(Captain Planet) –
"Und bis der Kopf dann platzt noch ein Gedanke und der zählt - immer weiter und weiter geht's und bis der Kopf dann platzt noch ein Gedanke: Du fehlst nennt sich wohl Leben wovor wir - wovor wir wieder einmal wegrennen."04.08.2010: Confirmation for Reeperbahn Festival
(Adolar, Captain Planet) –
Adolar and Captain Planet confirmed for Reeperbahn Festival» Details24.05.2010: Festival-Season
(Captain Planet, Adolar) –
The festival season starts and Adolar & Captain Planet will play a bunch of shows in germany. Check out the tourdates for further infos.» Details17.05.2010: Cassette compilation on Farblos Records
(Adolar, Captain Planet, Mikrokosmos23) –
Farblos Records released a tape sampler including the creme de la creme of the actual emopunk scene featuring Captain Planet, Adolar, Mikrokosmos23 and many others.» Details23.04.2010: Interview for Artempire Magazine
(Captain Planet) –
The wonderful Artempire Mag published a Captain Planet interview in their latest issue.» Details09.04.2010: A couple of new reviews
(Adolar, Captain Planet, Jet Black, Katzenstreik, Mallorys Last Dance, The Town Of Machine) –
Brandnew reviews on The Town Of Machine, Katzenstreik and Adolar have been uploaded. Check them out in the record-area.» Details13.03.2010: Fettes Brot recommended Captain Planet
(Captain Planet) –
Fettes Brot recommended Captain Planet´s Rambo at "Band-Scheibenvorfall" on Radio Energy to our amazement.» Details01.03.2010: News from the prints
(Adolar, Captain Planet, The Town Of Machine, Katzenstreik) –
We added some more interviews with Captain Planet and Adolar plus some new reviews on Katzenstreik, The Town Of Machine and the brandnew Adolar record.» Details10.02.2010: Captain Planet Tour- and Festivalnews
(Captain Planet) –
Captain Planet will play at Omas Teich Festival and Abi Festival and also have to anounce a few more clubshows for south-germany and switzerland.» Details04.02.2010: Captain Planet live on Motor FM
(Captain Planet) –
Captain Planet will be live at Motor FM studios on February 5th from 6 to 7 pm.» Details27.01.2010: Koelncampus Radio on Cpt. Planet & Katzenstreik
(Captain Planet, Katzenstreik) –
On January 28th cologne indieradio Kölncampus will broadcast an interview with Captain Planet and report on the new Katzenstreik record "Move".» Details20.01.2010: Marco Heckler comments Intro´s "Platten vor Gericht"
(Captain Planet) –
In it´s actual issue Captain Planet bassplayer Marco Heckler gave comments on 11 records going to be released in january for Intro Magazine.» Details12.01.2010: Another interview with Captain Planet
(Captain Planet) –
Captain Planet gave another interview to about Ruhr.2010» Details10.01.2010: Captain Planet Interview on
(Captain Planet) –
Please check out the latest interview with Captain Planet on getaddicted Webzine.» Details16.12.2009: "Inselwissen" Reissues arrived
(Captain Planet) –
Good news for people looking for "Inselwissen" - the reissues arrived. » Details07.12.2009: Excerpts from Captain Planet interview on Dunctonwood
(Captain Planet) –
On October 14th Captain Planet hit the road with a package of 10 new songs from their fresh album "Inselwissen. The boys from Dunctonwood Webradio, a young and professional webradio, were first ones interviewing the band in Aachen at AZ. You can listen to 2 parts of the interview » Details28.11.2009: "Jucken im Arsch"
(Captain Planet) –
Visions Magazine published a nice article on Captain Planet in it´s actual issue #201 titled "Jucken im Arsch" (engl. itching ass).» Details05.11.2009: Die Zeit reviews Captain Planet
(Captain Planet) –
Fantastic ciritic by germany´s weekly Die Zeit on the new Captain Planet album "Inselwissen".» Details04.11.2009: Hamburger Abendblatt on Captain Planet
(Captain Planet) –
Germany´s daily paper Hamburger Abendblatt published an nice to read article on Captain Planet sightseeing in Hamburg and talking about gentrification.» Details29.10.2009: Captain Planet Live-Reviews
(Captain Planet) –
We published a few live-reviews have been written by people attending on the first part of captain´s inselwissen-tour.» Details25.10.2009: Right now - Cpt. Plane special on Byte.FM
(Captain Planet) –
Listen to it by clicking on the link below» Details24.10.2009: Hamburg´s Daily on Captain Planet
(Captain Planet) –
A fantastic review and a feature on Captain Planet about gentrification has been published in today´s issue.» Details15.10.2009: Week-long New Noise Special
(Captain Planet) –
New Noise is the name of Dunctonwood Webradio´s Show that will feature Captain Planet for one week. Each day you can hear a bunch of new songs from the forthcoming album "Inselwissen" plus a interview recorded at 2 a.m. at AZ Aachen.» Details14.10.2009: On tour with Inselwissen
(Captain Planet) –
Captain Planet are currently on tour through germany presenting new songs to you. So be there, check the tourdates» Details11.10.2009: Captains play Dresden on 13th
(Captain Planet) –
Captain Planet will play one more show in November, 13th at AZ Conni.» Details27.09.2009: Releaseplans: Captain Planet, Town Of Machine, Adolar ...
(Adolar, Captain Planet, Iskra, Jet Black, Katzenstreik, Mallorys Last Dance, Peters., The Town Of Machine) –
There will be new releases in the next 2 months plus some anouncements and some sell outs in our mailorder, so please notice the following infos:» Details25.09.2009: A strictly limited edition
(Captain Planet) –
There will be a strictly limited coloured pressing of 66 vinlys available for Captain Planet´s "Inselwissen", the forthcoming second album. Available only at Be first to get one.» Details13.09.2009: New Captain Planet song from new album on monday!
(Captain Planet) –
A new Captain Planet track from their forthcoming album "Inselwissen" will go online on monday. be shure to check it out and preorder the record at grrr! In stores on 23rd October.» Details12.09.2009: Captain Planet: All news and album-related infos on monday!
(Captain Planet) –
On monday you should check for all news around captain planet and their forthcoming album. » Details07.09.2009: "Rambo" via radio - New Captain Planet-song
(Captain Planet) –
While the band is finishing their album by mixing and mastering the final tracks one premastered song has been send out to the radiostations.» Details02.09.2009: for films edit. 14 available
(Adolar, Captain Planet) –
There are many ways to find the right music for your film, feature, ad or other synch requirement. The "for films" series has established itself as an ideal reference, source of inspiration and plain working tool for a continously growing number of professionals. » Details19.08.2009: Appearing on a Fair Trade compilation
(Captain Planet) –
Captain Planet will appear on a fair trade compilation with a bunch of other punk and hardcore bands. It is organized by a new fashion label.» Details31.07.2009: Captain Planet album recordings finished
(Captain Planet) –
Recordings to Captain Planet´s new record have been finished. Now the album will be mixed and mastered and then ...» Details10.06.2009: Trust Fanzine interviews Captain Planet
(Captain Planet) –
Actual issue of Trust Fanzine (#136/03) includes a very personal and nice to read interview with Captain Planet. We very much apreciate it because this is not a E-Mail "Interview" became nowadays a sad practice also in subcultural publications.» Details08.05.2009: Finished recordings
(Captain Planet) –
Captain Planet finished recordings for their soon to come new album. two babies were born during or shortly after the production.» Details01.04.2009: Captain Planet back in studio
(Captain Planet) –
Captain Planet moved into studio, to record new tracks. We are waiting eagerly.» Details01.03.2009: Captains will record new stuff!
(Captain Planet) –
captain planet will focus on recording new stuff. we will keep you up to date as soon concrete infos are possible to yell out. just try to be updated on our site for more infos.» Details14.02.2009: captain planet video interview
(Captain Planet) –
get addicted webzine did a video-interview with captain planet. check this one out.» Details14.02.2009: Videointerview by Get Addicted
(Captain Planet) –
get addicted webzine did a video-interview with captain planet. check this one out here.» Details25.01.2009: Captain Planet tour with Adolar
(Adolar, Captain Planet) –
Please check out the new tourdates of captain planet who got support by our brandnew labelmates Adolar on a couple of shows.» Details13.12.2008: Suzi Quattro-Split out now!
(Captain Planet) –
Today there is a new release to celebrate. "Kids In Misery"-Split 10" with Captain Planet, Matula, Planke and Mikrokosmos23.» Details09.11.2008: Quattro Releasedate
(Captain Planet) –
On december 13th the Quattro-Split will be released in cooperation with Kids In Misery Records. A releaseparty with Captain Planet starts on 12th at Störtebeker. One year after celebrating their debut album there.» Details26.10.2008: New Captain Planet Release
(Captain Planet) –
captain planet will appear on a quattro-split 10inch with matula, mikrokosmos23 and planke. the split is about supporting a small label from a diy scene - kids and misery.» Details20.10.2008: Captain Planet and I Can´t Relax In Deutschland
(Captain Planet, Various Artists) –
this friday CPT. PLANET will play cologne. be there! before the show we invite you to a discussion with ROGER BEHRENS (I Can´t Relax In Deutschland Author) on contemporary nationalism in popular culture. club: kulturbunker mülheim, begins at 8 p.m. » Details14.10.2008: Who is rambo and who is hans dampf?
(Captain Planet) –
Captain planet explain it as follows.» Details01.09.2008: Plastic Bomb interviews Captain Planet
(Captain Planet) –
captain planet interview in germanys no. 1 punkfanzine plastic bomb. check this issue!» Details25.08.2008: iLive accoustic session with Captain Planet
(Captain Planet) –
check out a clip of captain planet playing "So Much Water so close to home" live and acoustic in hamburg.» Details20.08.2008: Captain Planet over cologne
(Captain Planet) –
captain planet will play their show in cologne, kulturbunker on october 24th. » Details12.08.2008: "So much water..." Video on rotation
(Captain Planet) –
captain planet videoclip "so much water so close to home" is still on heavy rotation on MotorTV» Details14.07.2008: Something has been planed
(Captain Planet) –
We kepp you up to date with concrete news!» Details05.04.2008: New Videoclip
(Captain Planet) –
nice captain planet video "so much water..." to watch. "For all those, think touring is something better than staying at home", comments the band.» Details31.03.2008: The party of parties...
(Peters., Captain Planet) –
nice peters.-releaseparty in hamburg at grüner jäger. my personal highlight was captain planet with matula-torben covering peters. hit "coole leute". check it out at youtube.» Details07.03.2008: Kunstrasen-Interview
(Captain Planet) –
captain planet interview in Digital Kunstrasen.» Details19.02.2008: In-Your-Face Interview
(Captain Planet) – published an captain planet interview.» Details06.02.2008: Die Taz interviewed Marco, Band plays 11 shows
(Captain Planet) –
Die TAZ interviewed Marco about his favorite records. Tomorrow Captain Planet will hit the road again for 11 shows. » Details26.01.2008: Another free mp3
(Captain Planet) –
it is only a few days until captain planet hit the road. check out a 2nd mp3 from their actual full length "wasser kommt wasser geht" we put online this night» Details25.01.2008: On the road again ...
(Captain Planet) –
captain planet will return on roads begin of february to celebrate their successful album "wasser kommt wasser geht".» Details20.01.2008: CD reissue of album
(Captain Planet) –
a cd-reiusse is planed in standard jewelcase so hurry up to get on of the last pressings of the debuts first issue in digipack at your local record store or favorite mailorder.» Details02.01.2008: Interview at OX
(Captain Planet) –
read the captain planet interview in actual ox-fanzine here. » Details20.12.2007: Die Taz titles "Punkrock Album Of The Year"!
(Captain Planet) –
captain planet are album of the month and punkrock-album of the year for german daily newspaper Die Tageszeitung.» Details25.11.2007: What a party!
(Captain Planet) –
awesome releaseparty yesterday in hamburg for captain planet 2 month old new record. you finde a small video-compilation of yesterdays show at youtube. » Details22.11.2007: Tourdates en masse
(Captain Planet) –
a couple of brandnew captain planet tourdates have been added. so get ready for the 2008-plan and check them out. if you miss your city - get active and invite the band. » Details19.11.2007: Sellfish interviewed Captain Planet
(Captain Planet) –
captain planet interview on» Details16.11.2007: Fairliebt T-Shirt Collection
(Unterm Durchschnitt, Captain Planet, Iskra, Peters.) –
Fairtrade merchandiser Fairliebt developes a special unterm durchschnitt shirt-collection.» Details02.11.2007: Story on Purerock
(Captain Planet) –
a story about captain planet at » Details01.11.2007: Die Zeit and Captain Planet in a museum.
(Captain Planet) –
With captain planet in a museum in hamburg - a story online. » Details18.10.2007: Visions Weekly features Captain Planet
(Captain Planet) –
check out visions weekly with a captain planet feature.» Details09.10.2007: Reviews on,
(Captain Planet) –
Awesome reviews from Die Zeit and on Captain Planet´s new record.» Details07.10.2007: Sellfish´s Record Of The Week
(Captain Planet) –
sunny sunday and a info by chiefeditor of that makes me shine: captain plant is record of the week from tomorrow on on - "one of the most sweeping records of this year".» Details05.10.2007: Release of "Wasser Kommt Wasser Geht"
(Captain Planet) –
yipeeeh. today the album "Wasser Kommt Wasser Geht" by Captain Planet is official available at stores!» Details01.10.2007: Releaseparty 24th November
(Captain Planet) –
Captain Planet will give an official release party on 24th November at Störtebeker Squat.» Details27.09.2007: Captains play Radioconcert
(Captain Planet) –
Captain Planet and 9 other artist will play a radioconcert for Radio FSK in Hamburg, available worldwide via free stream.» Details25.09.2007: Video bootleg of new song
(Captain Planet) –
back at office after an awesome tour with captain planet presenting their soon to come album "Wasser Kommt Wasser Geht". » Details18.09.2007: Tour and release close to come
(Captain Planet) –
captain planet are on tour for nearly one week now. » Details06.09.2007: Outtakes for sale
(Captain Planet) –
2 songs did not find their way on captain planet EP "unterm pflaster der strand". to close this gap both songs have been released online through fineTunes, iTunes and others.» Details03.09.2007: A message from Captain Planet
(Captain Planet) –
The Captains wrote a message in german to their fans.» Details01.09.2007: New Captain Planet song online!
(Captain Planet) –
brandnew captain planet song Hundertzwanzig Sachen online!! check the mp3 section. Tour starts september 13, record release end of this month. preorder at Grrr!» Details20.08.2007: "Wasser Kommt Wasser Geht" on October 5th
(Captain Planet) –
The forthcoming Captain Planet Album is titled as "Wasser Kommt Wasser Geht" and will be released on Ocotober 5th.» Details18.08.2007: New song for free download and tour
(Captain Planet) –
On september 1st we will publish a brandnew captain planet track!» Details16.08.2007: New Songs for Wuppertal
(Captain Planet) –
It is a year-long relationship between the band and wuppertal. One of their first gigs took place there. Now the band plays exclusive material from their forthcoming album there.» Details01.08.2007: Three records to release
(Unterm Durchschnitt, Captain Planet, Clara Luzia, Peters.) –
there are three records soon to come. it is not just that we are happy about the fact releasing a bit more than in the last 24 months, there will also be more touraction by captain planet, clara luzia and the "chinese democracy"-allstars ;-P. » Details16.07.2007: Tourplans for autum
(Captain Planet) –
big steps forward for the forthcoming captain planet album. there will be a pre-release-tour in september, the official release is planed for october. » Details19.06.2007: Get Addicted interviewed Captain Planet
(Captain Planet) –
captain planet interview and live review at get addicted Webzine.» Details19.06.2007: New Captain Panet track
(Captain Planet) –
Captain Planet Track "120 Sachen (live)" recorded live in münster at youtube. » Details14.06.2007: I Can´t Relax - Discussion in Göttingen
(Captain Planet, Iskra, Various Artists) –
I Can´t Relax In Deutschland Discussion - tomorrow in Göttingen!! Further Infos in the PDF Reader of Antifee-Festival. Also Captain Planet and Iskra will play there» Details01.06.2007: Captain Planet recording
(Captain Planet) –
Captain Planet are currently recording new material to be released as an album.» Details24.05.2007: Die Zeit reviews show at Rote Flora
(Captain Planet) –
a concert review on about captain planet concert in hamburg, rote flora.» Details18.05.2007: Antifee Festival under anti-nationalist flag
(Iskra, Captain Planet) –
iskra and captain planet will play in göttingen, antifee festival (university campus) accompanied with lots of discussions about self-governing life, sexism and nationalism. get further informations and your ticket at » Details01.03.2007: Previously unreleased Tracks released digital
(Captain Planet, Peters.) –
we released previously unreleased tracks by captain planet (7inch recording session) and peters (pre 7inch recordings) via digital music distribution. » Details08.09.2006: Split Tape with Matula
(Captain Planet) –
As a special on tour Captain Planet and Matula did a strictly limited Split Tape.» Details03.09.2006: Schenk Mir Deine Liebe - Compilation
(Captain Planet, Jet Black, Katzenstreik) –
Kommando Disko released an mp3 compilation "schenk mir deine liebe" for free download including jet black, captain planet, katzenstreik... » Details24.08.2006: 7" reissue
(Captain Planet) –
captain planet reissue of their great debut 7incher is available now. » Details24.07.2006: On the road again
(Captain Planet) –
captain planet enter the road again on tour with the matula boy-group. » Details07.07.2006: Sold out but reissued
(Captain Planet, Jet Black, Mallorys Last Dance, Peters.) –
captain planet, mallorys last dance and peters 7" are sold out. They follow jet black with their 7inch, sold out first issue for one year now. we will make Captain Planet and Jet Black available for future.» Details05.07.2006: Viva Café Exil: soli-sampler
(Unterm Durchschnitt, Captain Planet, Katzenstreik) –
Café Exiel is a non governmental meeting place - right across from an immigration office » Details31.05.2006: unterm durchschnitt Bands on Tour
(Captain Planet, Katzenstreik, Peters.) –
Katzenstreik, Captain Planet - on Tour. Auch peters. plan a new tour.» Details30.04.2006: 1,2,3 ... free the people
(Captain Planet, Katzenstreik) –
katzenstreik and captain planet gave one of their songs to the compilation "1,2,3 ... lasst die leute frei" » Details06.04.2006: On Tour with Turbostaat, Matula and Manifesto Jukebox
(Captain Planet) –
new captain planet tourdates online for april and may with turbostaat, matula and manifesto jukebox.» Details02.03.2006: Captain Planet/El Mariachi shows cancelled
(Captain Planet) –
shows of captain planet with el mariachi have been canceled due to private related things.» Details08.02.2006: Captain Planet co-headline with Oma Hans
(Captain Planet) –
captain planet play with fabulous oma hans on 11th february at glocksee, hannover.» Details13.12.2005: Videoclip "Tod In Der Heide"
(Captain Planet) –
You can watch the videoclip to Captain Planet´s "Tod In Der Heide" at Youtube. Check the link below.» Details02.11.2005: Peters. and Captain Planet are on tour
(Captain Planet, Peters.) –
peters. and captain planet are on tour again. Check out the latest tourdates.» Details26.07.2005: Beatpunk reviews Captain Planet
(Captain Planet) –
A real nice to read reviews have been published on Beatpunk Webzine.» Details16.06.2005: "Baumhaus" mp3 online
(Captain Planet) –
Check out the "Baumhaus"-Mp3, online from now on!» Details14.06.2005: Exclusive accoustic set with Matula
(Captain Planet) –
Captain Planet and Matula have planed an exclusive accoustic set on their tour, stopping in Northeim at a club named Wolkes Turm.» Details10.06.2005: "Unterm Pflaster Der Strand" out now
(Captain Planet) –
"Unterm Pflaster Der Strand" out now, available in stores!06.06.2005: 7" Releaseparty
(Captain Planet) –
On June 10th you need to come to Hamburg at Schilleroper. Captain Planet celebrate their 7" release on unterm durchschnitt with friends.» Details13.05.2005: Debut EP on it´s way
(Captain Planet) –
on July 10th we have to anounce a brandnew 7" EP by our new band Captain Planet. Title: "Unterm Pflaster Der Strand". Check out the artistinfos for further details.» Details30.04.2005: Captain Planet ... brandnew love
(Captain Planet) –
Captain Planet go on tour. You don´t know Captain Planet? Well, this is the brandnew thing on our label!» Details